Words of Wisdom

"You have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince." -Mamaw Jackson

"Stupidity in a woman is unfeminine." -Freiderich Nietchze

Monday, April 12, 2010

McD's Vanilla Iced Coffee

One of the best things about warm weather... This is my favorite iced beverage treat. I try not to drink them a lot, but I love them! If you haven't had one, try it! I used to be a Starbuck's snob, but this drink has me converted!

I stopped on my way to work this morning and got myself one... My taste buds were all ready to taste the punch of coffee goodness with a touch of silky vanilla. I put it down on my desk. I couldn't wait to get settled in and enjoy my drink while I caught up on paperwork. Then... I knocked it in the floor with my huge purse! I didn't even notice I had done it until everything had already drained out... I cried a little. Chris asked me if I was having an emotional day... "What the hell do you think?" is what I wanted to ask, but he was trying to be sensitive.

What a Monday!

But... I'm getting married in 19 days and my best friends will be here for a party this weekend! Things aren't all that bad... but I'm still mad about my coffee.


  1. Girl, they converted me too! I had a coupon for a free one and I loved it! I definitely have to show some restraint and not drink one every day. :)

  2. I soooo need to try those! Congrats on the wedding! YAY!! xoxo
