Words of Wisdom

"You have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince." -Mamaw Jackson

"Stupidity in a woman is unfeminine." -Freiderich Nietchze

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Boys pee on the floor

Can I get an Amen from the ladies in the audience? Thank you.

I cleaned the house yesterday, which included giving the bathrooms a good scrub. I never knew until I shared a house with an 11 year old boy that it was necessary to scrub the ENTIRE toilet and the floor surrounding it so often. I love him. I hate scrubbing up urine. This is not a mop and bucket kind of job; this is a hands and knees, cleaning solution directly on the sponge kind of job. I know he doesn't do it on purpose, but there are definitely sprinkles that have gotten away from him and have gone unnoticed. The boys of the house can complain all they want about my hairs that shed and find their way into their sock drawer, video games, or bath towels, but I can honestly say I have never gotten peepee on the floor.


  1. Oh goodness, you made me laugh out loud! I don't live with any little boys, and thus far I have not run into this problem, but it's a good heads up in case I ever have little boys of my own. TOO FUNNY!!

  2. Amen and Amen! My Monkey is only 4 and we already have this problem!
